Estratto a freddo
11 September 2020
Monocultivar “Rotondella”
20 May 2022


"Colline Salernitane"

P regio “DOP Colline Salernitane BIOLOGICO” is obtained from olives whose fields have double certification.
Organic farming is defined as that particular cultivation method which only uses the natural relations beetwen agronomic tecniques, enviroment and living organisms.
The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) locates where the product has its own origin and the types, it specifies the growing and processig methods and it finally indicates the consumption characteristics thanks to a sensorial test and a chemical-physical analysis.
Certified by control body authorized by MIPAAFT
IT-BIO-004 Operatore controllato n° 20178.
Rotondella, Leccino
From October 1 to October 31.
Production area
Slopes of the Alburni Mountains - Salerno
Harvesting technique
Harvest Time:
Up to 8 hours
Extraction process
Continuous cold cycle followed by filtration
Stainless steel containers at controlled temperature between 16°C and 18°C in the absence of oxygen.
500ml Bottle
6 bottles x ct.

Write us

for information and quotation


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